What is Inbound Marketing Strategy: 9 Things to be Aware of

What is inbound marketing strategy and how can it help you? Listed in this blog are 9 things that you should always be aware of when creating and working through your inbound marketing strategy.

What is Inbound Marketing Strategy?

An Inbound marketing strategy is a strategy that combines and maximises many techniques within marketing.

It utilizes SEO, Social media, PPC, Content marketing and blogs and others.

The strategy is about streamlining your marketing process to maximise lead generation and conversion.

9 Tips for your Inbound Marketing Strategy

‘Inbound Marketing’ is not ‘Content Marketing’

Do not confuse the two practices. Simply, inbound marketing is the umbrella term for a methodology that includes a range of marketing practices. Whereas content marketing is a single practice that can be found within inbound. Producing top quality, engaging and unique content does not mean you are participating in inbound, there is much more involved.

Return On Investment (ROI) is higher with Inbound

Due to the nature of marketing practices being able to be measured means you will be able to clearly define the return on investment that aspect had for the business. It is near on impossible to measure the return from a billboard, whereas measuring the return from a social media campaign can easily be done. Analytics become a vital part of your marketing plan, a LOT can be found within some metrics.

Your inbound efforts need to be targeted to your buyer persona

Without an outlined buyer persona, your marketing will struggle to produce any results. Your target audience should be the basis of everything you do, therefore ensure you know exactly who you want to target and appeal to. With the inbound methodology, it focuses on the customer, therefore, you need to be targeted as this is what will make your business truly shine.

Regular blogs increase your visibility online

Inbound marketing prides itself on regular, unique and engaging content in order to be found online. The best way to do this? Blogging. Your business needs a company blog, simple.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is thriving, not dead!

Some methodologies and marketers like to believe that SEO is a dying practice…. WRONG! Inbound highlights the need for search engine optimisation to be included in the business plan and strategy, the focus on being visible online is clear. Your customers are online, therefore you need to be found online also.

What is inbound marketing strategy SEO

Landing pages = lead information capture success

If you want to gain lead information, the best way to achieve this is by having landing pages. Specific landing pages (with their own URL) for each piece of valuable content, events, services etc means you are much more likely to get that precious personal data your business requires to grow.

No need for trial and error

Yes, trial and error can help, but one of the keywords being ‘error’ is not very reassuring. With inbound, A/B testing becomes your saving grace as there will be little room for error, only success.

Email marketing should be your best friend

Similarly, to SEO, some believe email marketing is becoming less and less of a priority in the marketing strategy… again, WRONG! If used correctly, emails can entice, ensure and predict purchases for your business. Not many other methods can do this, therefore email is a must.

It is much easier to retain customers with Inbound

The world of marketing has changed. Previously, the focus was gaining as many new customers as possible, whereas now current customers are just as important as new ones. It is much easier to gain a purchase from a previous customer than it is for a new one, therefore nurturing and retaining customers is essential. Inbound focuses itself on all types of customers whether they be old, new or future- ensure you are following this methodology to take over your industry.

Considering these 9 things when thinking about what is inbound marketing strategy will put your campaign on the right track.

For further insights and guidance, we invite you to explore our blog at 07hm.co.uk/blog. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information tailored to the needs and challenges of SMEs navigating the digital landscape. Additionally, if you have specific questions or need personalised advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at info@07hm.co.uk or telephone on 01702 410663.

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