
The #Hashtag Strategy

The majority of us today know how to use social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, yet if you are using these platforms for promotion of business use, are you using them strategically within your social media marketing?

With hashtags being used everywhere these days, as a marketer you can’t ignore them. You need to know how to strategically implement tagged topics into your posts. Hashtags are there to expand your content reach, amplify your brand, target your market and get your content found.

Key Marketing Strategies for Hashtags

  1. Brand and Campaign Hashtags

Brand and campaign specific are hashtags that you create for your business. You use them to market your brand and promotions.

A brand hashtag can be your brand name or a company slogan/tagline. Your brand hashtag should be unique to your business.

Campaign hashtags are made for each of your marketing campaigns. For example, if you are having a sale, you can create a unique hashtag to further promote it in the short term. If your customers then begin to use your hashtag then it gets an extended reach.

  1. Trending Hashtags

 A trending hashtag is a topic that has become popular. Trending hashtags are continuously changing in real time. A top 10 trend can come and go within minutes. Therefore, you often have to be quick and if any of the trending hashtags relate to your business then you should be writing a post using that hashtag.

By writing a post that has used a trending hashtag you are getting your post seen by a potentially massive audience.

However, it is also important to note that you should only be using hashtags when necessary and relatable. Posting to many trends, especially when they’re unrelated to your business can see your followers get annoyed and therefore unfollow you.

Trending hashtags on Twitter and Facebook can be found on the sides of the site pages as shown below:

  1. Content Hashtags

Content hashtags are tags you should be using in your posts. They are not branded or used to define your marketing and business, they are also tags that are not necessarily trending or popular. It’s just simply the use of common tags that relate to your post and content.

Content hashtags improve the SEO of your posts. These hashtags get your posts/updates seen by people who are searching for, or using the words you have hashtagged.

Categories for Common Hashtags:

  • Product Hashtags (#NewBag, #Coffee)
  • Lifestyle Hashtags (#Gym, #Fitness, #Healthy)
  • Event Hashtags (#Olympics, #FashionWeek)
  • Location Hashtags (#London, #Southend)

We hope this blog post has given you the knowledge needed to implement your own hashtag strategy. And remember to use hashtags to:

  • Brand your business and marketing campaigns.
  • Catch real-time trending topics.
  • Expand the reach of your content updates.

For further insights and guidance, we invite you to explore our blog at 07hm.co.uk/blog. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information tailored to the needs and challenges of SMEs navigating the digital landscape. Additionally, if you have specific questions or need personalised advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at info@07hm.co.uk or telephone on 01702 410663.

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