
Startup Business: How To Build Your First Email Marketing List

Startup Business: How To Build Your First Email Marketing List

You have created your business, started marketing but you need a way to stay in contact with your customers directly. The best way to do this is through email marketing. Email marketing is the use of email to promote a product/service or brand, but it mostly aims to develop deeper relationships with a client/customer. In this blog, we outline the steps needed in order to build your email marketing list.

Email marketing software

Firstly, you will need to choose an email marketing software. It is not best practice to send any marketing emails via your personal email address as it will not be able to mass sent to the masses, designed, optimised and measured. There are multiple free platforms available that will be more than sufficient in your beginning in email marketing. For example, MailChimp.

Create a sign-up form on your website

Your website is the main hub of information for your brand, all of your marketing efforts will want to link back to it in some way. Therefore, it is only logical that you have the ability for users to sign up on there. Usual placement lays in the footer, header, pop up or blog pages. Multiple placements can be made, but remember to not over do it as this will only push users away from signing up to receive your emails. You will want the form to be easy, quick and simple to understand and fill out for any user. If you over complicate the process then it could deter users away.

Entice subscribers to join

Once the form has been made, you will need to make it as enticing as possible. If you are making it worthwhile for the user they will most likely provide their personal information in return. You will need to be strategic with website placement, include call-to-actions, and provide an incentive. An incentive could be a valuable offer, a discount, competition or coupon to be later redeemed. Other than your website, you can use other marketing methods to gain subscribers, for example, your social media, current clients, marketing materials, adverts etc.

Always comply with GDPR (if you are unsure on what GDPR is, read our blog)

After completing the above three steps you will start to see your subscribers increase. However, ensure that throughout your process you are compliant with GDPR law. Whenever you have personal information of any EU resident you must always be compliant to ensure you do not break any law that could result in your brand being tarnished or your business having to close.

For further insights and guidance, we invite you to explore our blog at 07hm.co.uk/blog. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information tailored to the needs and challenges of SMEs navigating the digital landscape. Additionally, if you have specific questions or need personalised advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at info@07hm.co.uk or telephone on 01702 410663.

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