
The Importance Of SEO

Whether you are a business wiz or a novice, you need to understand the importance of SEO (search engine optimisation.)

You most likely scroll past examples of SEO every day without even knowing it.

We have created a list of tips to help you understand and gain from search engine optimisation.

What Is SEO?


SEO is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

Essentially, SEO is understanding what people are searching on the internet, the words they are using, the type of content they want to consume and the answers they are looking for.

Whether you are looking to find out how you can drive traffic to your website, or to find out what your audience is searching for, to better understand how you can cater to their needs, search engine optimization is the key to all your questions.

The Key Elements Of SEO


A vital part of SEO is content because it’s what you use to engage your audience. When you have your content plan and a full understanding of the type of content you want to post and who your target audience is, you can then use this to drive engagement.

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So how can you use your content to improve your engagement?

Well for example, if you owned a beauty salon, an effective way to use SEO would be to post blogs about different beauty tips and tricks that people will most likely be searching for on the internet. This then drives new audiences to your page and by giving them the answers they are looking for, they are more likely to take interest in your business.

Keep your content engaging, relevant and informative, to help drive as much traffic to your website as possible.



Keywords are any words that have been searched on the internet. And the idea behind using them is so that your website is listed at the top of the search results.

There are numerous websites that can inform you of the current trending keywords for your chosen subject.

Essentially, by using keywords you are competing with any similar website in that field. This is why it’s important to find the exact keywords your target is searching for, so you have a higher chance of coming up in the search results.

Local SEO:

When searching for a service on the internet, most people ideally want it to be local. Therefore making your businesses location visible on the internet is another exam of using SEO.

For example, if you own a restaurant, it’s vital you list the location on search engines. Why? Because when a person is looking for a local restaurant, if yours is in the area, it will come up in the search results. Therefore by using this SEO technique, you will drive more traffic to your business.



The higher you rank on a search engine, the more traffic you will receive. This is why visibility is one of the most important factors to using SEO techniques, as you want people to be able to find your business online. The more people that can find your business online, the more potential customers/clients/audience you will receive.


Authority in modern-day marketing is vital, this means that you want people to trust your business and what you’re offering.


By using SEO to build up more engagement on your website, more people will use your services, making your business more trustworthy. This is a huge factor in successfully running your business online as potential prospects will most likely do research and compare similar brands to yours, and if your page is trustworthy, people will be more inclined to choose yours over any competitor.

Better Client Experience:

Any good business owner will want their clients to gain the most out of what they are offering. Using SEO techniques can drastically improve your services for your customers. By making it easy to find your company, creating content that caters best to your audience and improving the usability of your site, you are creating a smooth, seamless experience for your customers.


Potentially, the most important reason for practising SEO techniques for your brand is so your company can grow.


Growing a business whether it be from scratch or already up and running, can be extremely difficult. This is why using SEO techniques are so vital as it’s practically a way to drive more growth to your company for free! By coming up in the top results within search engines, creating relevant content and building the trust of your brand, you should witness clear growth in your business.

Keep practising these SEO techniques as they will be extremely beneficial for your business. Refer back to the topics mentioned above to help guide you through the digital marketing world.

For further insights and guidance, we invite you to explore our blog at 07hm.co.uk/blog. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information tailored to the needs and challenges of SMEs navigating the digital landscape. Additionally, if you have specific questions or need personalised advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at info@07hm.co.uk or telephone on 01702 410663.

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