Nathan’s Work Experience

Tuesday marked the end of Nathan’s six week work experience with us here at 07 Heaven Marketing.

As part of Nathan’s college course in ICT, Software Development, he was required to partake in work experience that would give him some hands on experience in the field, so he has been working with us every Tuesday for the past six weeks.


During his time with us, Nathan has worked on various elements of our online functions. He has mainly been focusing on working on coding for our blogs, editing them and making sure they are all in line with one another. And if we say so ourselves, he has done an absolutely excellent job with them!  Nathan has had a personal best of coding, editing and styling 73 blogs in just one day. Yes that’s right, 73 blogs in just 7 hours, the numbers speak for themselves, he has been an asset to the team!

Nathan has said that his understanding of HTML and CSS coding has come a long way during his work experience with us and has triggered a further interest in pursuing a career in web development also, as he’s really enjoyed the work it has involved so far.  When reflecting on the experience Nathan said ‘it was good to learn new skills, meet new people and everyone was nice’.

Nathan’s college course is due to finish next July, and he hopes to start an apprenticeship in software development following this. At just 18, he has shown a great deal of skill during his time with us, and we wish him all the luck in the future!

Work experience is the best way to apply all of the things that you’ve learnt in the classroom and test it out in the real world of work. If you’re reading this and are someone, or know someone, who would like to gain some experience in the world of digital marketing and all things IT, contact us now to see how we can help you!

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