
Instagram: Easy And Simple Introduction To IGTV For Businesses

Instagram: Easy And Simple Introduction To IGTV For Businesses

With video dominating the world of social media as the most engaging piece of content available, it is no wonder social platforms are starting to make the option of uploading videos even easier. Previously, on the Instagram platform videos could only be up to 30 seconds in length, with the introduction of higher timeline lengths and Instagram stories this increased. However, pushing the boundaries of video even further they created IGTV.

What is it?

It is Instagram’s stand-alone app that allows users to publish long-form videos. For anyone with a profile, they can publish up to 10-minute videos, those who are verified promoters can post up to 60 minutes. With Instagram being a mobile-only social media platform, the same goes for IGTV with it only being available on mobile and tablet.


On the timeline, you will see the following colourful circle, click here to visit IGTV!


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