
Inspiring Christmas Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Previously, it was mainly large and thriving businesses that received the main Christmas influx… however, times have changed. The rise of small businesses has meant they are gaining huge amounts of traffic and sales over the festive period. This is thanks to social media and the ability to communicate with others on their opinions of brands – people buy from people! Here are some Christmas Marketing Ideas to help you out.


Use emotion with your campaign

Evoking emotion allows customers to have that connection with your campaign and will allow you to stay a constant presence in their minds. Depending on other factors, you will be able to meet your aims and objectives of the campaign with ease. For example, every year John Lewis create a TV advert that everyone knows will pull on the heartstrings of the nation. Because of this, John Lewis is highly discussed between people and their sales increase as a result.


Use the Christmas theme within your branding

Join in the festivities and spruce up your branding with the appropriate theme… CHRISTMAS! With so many stand-out figures associated with this festive period, make sure to incorporate them with your branding. For example, add Santa’s hat to your logo, have wrapped presents in the corner of product pages or even the naughty or nice lists in your emails.


Create urgency

If you can create a sense of urgency for your customers to act NOW, the likelihood of purchase increases. This can be done through discounts, mention of limited stock and exclusivity for your products or services. You will also need to repeatedly mention the deadline for orders so that customers do not miss the opportunity to order with you. Additionally, always let your customers know your closing dates and times for the holidays.


Use local-based targeting options

If within your budget, leveraging paid advertising with Christmas Marketing Ideas can truly help your business flourish during the festive season. You can create adverts tailored to target specific demographics, including gender, age, location, and interests, based on real-life data. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of engaging users and driving them to complete the desired action. Always remember to produce top-quality and engaging content for your Christmas-themed ads to captivate your audience effectively!


Always personalise your messages when able

The outcome of personalised content can be extremely advantageous to your business. Users much prefer to see content that has been personalised specifically to them. Adding a user’s name can create the impression of personalised attention. Use personalisation tokens, website analytics, and online behaviour. This ensures all content you produce is personalised for each user.

For more on our Marketing Services or to discuss Christmas Marketing Ideas, please contact us. Call 01702 410663 or email info@07hm.co.uk today.

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