14 September 2020 Comments Off

There is nothing worse than a website which takes 348490220104 years to load. Everyone agrees that a website which takes too long to load will cause them to leave before they even get

29 August 2020 Comments Off

In Summary Although you may not know by name what an SSL certificate is, you would have definitely seen one whilst on your internet travels. Essentially, they are small data files which bind

12 July 2020 Comments Off

The first thing to acknowledge in this blog post is that using a hyphen or not is rarely going to be a massive deciding factor in a website's performance. If your content is

22 May 2020 Comments Off

The domain name of your website should be just as important as the name of your business. Your domain name is the face of your online business. (more…)

1 April 2020 Comments Off

Did you know, 56% of US, UK, German and French shoppers use Amazon as a starting point for researching products and services? Over half of their populations are using Amazon, giving Google a