We'll help you drive more revenue and grow your business through powerful strategy, compelling creativity and cutting-edge technology.

Hosting 24 Jan 2022

Guaranteeing you get the right results with your

You have decided that your website needs a change, how do you make sure the new website outperforms your old one? This blog helps you make sure that you redesign is an investment not a cost. (more…)

Printing, Social Responsibility 09 Jan 2022


Business cards, even in this digital age, are hugely important in face to face meetings. A business card touches people in a more tangible way than an email. It's an instant reminder of the meeting and the benefits you can offer. (more…)

Branding 08 Jan 2022

How Colour Effects Your Website Conversions

Colour is extremely important when it comes to marketing because it has an impact on our perception, which when it comes to marketing, effects how we think and feel about a product or service. This is especially important for when visitors come to your website or view your marketing content when

Marketing 04 Jan 2022

Why Is The Format Of Your Blog Important?

Format is usually discarded as if it isn’t important for creating a successful blog. That’s false. Put time and effort into it. Format is just as important as content. Confused why format is so important? Here are 3 important reasons why: (more…)

Company News 03 Jan 2022

07 Heaven Design Is 7 Years Old

Now 7 years old is not normally a big Birthday, but for us it is a big deal as we have many changes that benefit you happening over the next year. (more…)

Marketing 30 Dec 2021

Instagram Insights ‘Activity’ Section Explained

With over 800 million people using Instagram, the platform has grown from strength to strength- especially for brands! If you have a product or service with visual appeal your presence on Instagram is vital, the opportunities are endless and should be exploited by every business when necessary. However, creating an

Development 29 Dec 2021

6 Ways To Utilise Your Header

It's important to make sure that your website is designed and optimised to drive conversions and achieve your marketing goals. One key aspect of website design is the header, which is often the first thing that visitors see when they land on your site. In this blog post, we'll take

Printing 27 Dec 2021

Our New Shop Sign!

Having a beautifully designed, eye catching shop sign can really give your business an edge! (more…)

Social Responsibility 21 Dec 2021

A Better Start Southend: ‘Intro 2 Enterprise’

Recently our managing director, Luke Stillwell, teamed up with 'A Better Start Southend' by assisting them on one of the amazing free courses they provide for the local community in Southend and the surrounding areas. (more…)

Marketing 19 Dec 2021

A Guide to Social Media Calendars

Avoiding last minute muddling is a must for all businesses, whether you’re a multi million pound company or a new start-up just about breaking even. Social media calendars are an essential tool to stay organised by working weeks or even months ahead of schedule to keep your social media pages

Marketing 16 Dec 2021

07 Heaven Marketing Pancake Day

It's pancake day, or shrove Tuesday, depending on how you look at it! To us at 07 Heaven Design it's definitely pancake day. We aim to shoot out this lunch and grab all the ingredients necessary to really celebrate this special day… Fingers crossed that there isn’t a maple syrup

Development 16 Dec 2021

How does Lead Generation help your business attract

What is Lead Generation? (more…)