


We'll help you drive more revenue and grow your business through powerful strategy, compelling creativity and cutting-edge technology.

Branding 17 Jan 2023

How To Keep Your Brand Consistent

You’ve spent a lot of time and money creating the perfect message, logo, website and marketing materials for your brand. You’ve gone back and forth with the designer to get your logo spaced out just right and worked with the content creator to find an impactful and cohesive tagline and

Marketing 15 Jan 2023

Cold Calling VS Social Selling

No one likes picking up the phone and making a call, and equally nobody likes receiving cold calls. Both consumers and salespeople hate cold calling with an equal passion. Which is why it is important to discuss the cold calling vs social selling debate... (more…)

Marketing 12 Jan 2023

High Bounce Rate? Stop Customer’s From Leaving Your

If you are struggling to gain leads or make sales, it may be because you have a high bounce rate. A bounce rate is when someone opens a single page on your website, then exits quickly without doing anything on the page, e.g. clicks, navigates to another page, interacts with

Case Study, Development 12 Jan 2023

Paragon Web Design

Paragon are an insurance Brokers who have asked us to kindly create a website design in order to base their decisions upon. The structure of this designs has been created using a very intricate grid system, plus a range of typographical implements in order to make this design as efficient

Marketing 12 Jan 2023

Understanding Keyword Relevancy For SEO Updates

Why is it more important to focus on synonyms and  alternative sentences than the exact keyword? What is Google doing to make sure relevant content gets rewarded and repetitive, promotional content gets punished? (more…)

Marketing 10 Jan 2023

Searching For A Social Media Management Company?

Need to get more people engaging with your business? (more…)

Hosting 28 Dec 2022

The Importance of Mobile Optimisation: Insights from 07

With more people accessing the internet on their mobile devices, it's more important than ever for businesses to have a mobile-optimised website. Mobile optimisation refers to the process of creating a website that's designed for mobile devices, with a focus on user experience and usability. In this blog post, we'll

Case Study, Development 28 Dec 2022

Helen Watson Website Design

Helen Watson is a passionate writer who wanted a website set up to work as a platform and outlet to share her work with others. (more…)

Marketing 26 Dec 2022

Startup Business: How To Build Your First Email

Startup Business: How To Build Your First Email Marketing List (more…)

Company News 24 Dec 2022

07 Heaven Have A New Printing Website!

Don’t need us to design, but need somewhere to go for hassle free printing? Then look no further than our new online printing website. (more…)

Development, Marketing 22 Dec 2022

How can I promote my Website?

Why is the success of your website important? It is the first thing that customers will look at if they are interested in your company. It is vital to keep it updated. A successful website leads to a successful company! (more…)

Case Study, Development, Marketing 20 Dec 2022

Marco The Malta Bus

Marco the Malta Bus helps small children to learn to read, and supports adults whose main language may not be that of their child's school. They currently offer 10 languages, and are a really bright and fun company with an educational purpose. (more…)