6 Reasons Why You Need To Attend Our Marketing Workshops

With our Inbound Marketing Workshop coming up, (21st November 2018 to be exact) we thought it is best if we explain some of the reasons why you need to attend our marketing workshops. Your business needs marketing in order to survive, therefore as a business owner you need to develop substantial knowledge of marketing best practices for your company. Keep reading to find out exactly why you need to attend.

Marketing is constantly changing

With other forms of knowledge, there is one answer and that will remain the same. However, with marketing, this could not be further from the truth. Best practices, incorrect methods and ideologies are constantly changing and developing due to society. As society develops, so will marketing due to the process being based on user behaviour, therefore you need to ensure you are keeping up to date. We aim to host regular workshops in reaction to industry developments, therefore you can guarantee you will always be in the loop and have the best understanding of marketing for your company.

Your business needs marketing to survive

Without marketing, your business will soon reach maximum success or even fail. As previously mentioned, it is based on user behaviour, therefore, you need to understand your current and future customers in order to gain their trust, position yourself as the best choice and encourage them to purchase from your company. Marketing leads to sales, sales leads to business success- without marketing, you will struggle.

Could be the defining factor between you and your competitor

For local, startup or small businesses, most have not seen the process of marketing as a priority. They do not see the value or potential of implementing strategic practices into their business plan, therefore will never truly reap the benefits of a booming business. One of the most rewarding and clear ways to define yourself in a saturated market is to participate in marketing.

Meet others in the same position as you

As well as gaining new knowledge and skills, you will be able to meet and network with other businesses who are experiencing the same as you- the desire for marketing knowledge. Yes there are endless resources online that you could spend all day, and all night, reading but a workshop allows you to have the most up to date facts, figures and opinions as well as the ability to communicate with others – the best of both worlds!

Learn from others

When talking to similar businesses to your own, they will be able to provide their own advice and experience when introducing marketing into their business plan. As well as talking and hearing from the experts, you will want to know what those similar to you are thinking and interpreting as this will help your own journey.

Get specific advice from the experts

As a result of being face to face with marketing experts, during and after the workshop you have the chance to ask specific questions regarding your own business with answers tailored to your issues. An online resource cannot do this, therefore ensure you are reaping the ultimate benefit of attending our workshops here at 07 Heaven.

On the 21st November 2018, we open our doors and invite 15 professionals who want to start, develop or add to their knowledge of Inbound Marketing- the ultimate methodology you need for your business to grow and become successful. Guess what… it is FREE! Simply reserve your space here – spaces are first come first served, we are also introducing many more throughout 2019 so keep your eyes peeled. If you are local to Southend in Essex, own a business and want to gain knowledge on marketing, you NEED to attend our workshop.
